<p>Horseracing track (Philox., <i>CGL</i> 2.201) located in the W *Campus Martius. The term ‘<i>trigarium</i>’ is generally interpreted as the racing track for chariots drawn by three horses (<i>trigae</i>), an event held only in Archaic times (Dion. Hal., <i>Ant. Rom.</i> 7.73.2). Nonetheless, there could have been a revival of these races in the Imperial period (Coarelli, <i>LTUR</i> 89). The Trigarium served as the temporary racetrack (<i>circus temporalis</i>) of the <i>ludi Saeculares</i> (Pighi 1965, 118, 167) to host horse races (Coarelli 1977, 839); it not only shared a topographical contiguity with the *Tarentum but also a typological association (Zos. 2.2.3). Perhaps other ceremonies of archaic character and involving horse races, such as the <i>Equirria</i> and the <i>October equus</i>, were held in the Trigarium (Coarelli <i>LTUR</i> 89).</p>
<p>Although the exact location and extent of the Trigarium are unknown, a <i>cippus</i> (<i>CIL</i> VI 8461 = <i>ILS</i> 5926) setting the limit of the *Tiber from the Trigarium (A TRIGARIO) to the *Pons Agrippae (AD PONTEM AGRIPPAE) clearly implies that the Trigarium was located along the river N of the bridge. Such a location is confirmed by the discovery in the same area of inscriptions related to horse races (<i>CIL</i> VI 10044) and the presence of the *Stabula Factionum directly to the S.</p>