<p>This funerary monument, known as the Casa Tonda, was located on the *Via Labicana-Praenestina 360 m outside the *Porta Esquilina, now beneath Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. It consists of a cylinder (diam. 20 m) mounted on a square base (24 m), and is universally dated to the late 1st c. B.C. (Coarelli, Häuber, Cima, Gatti). The identity of the tomb’s occupant remains a matter of speculation. Maecenas is a possible candidate (Häuber, Coarelli), given the proximity of the *Horti Maecenatis and the fact that one tradition placed the final resting spot of both Horace and Maecenas ‘on the furthest edges of the Esquiline’ (<i>extremis Esquiliis</i>: Suet., <i>Vita Hor</i>. 20).</p>