<p>A large public recreational complex surrounded by a quadriportico, dedicated in 7 B.C. (Dio Cass. 55.8.2), and built on the site of the house of Vedius Pollio, bequeathed to Augustus in 15 B.C. (Dio Cass. 54.23.6; Ov., <i>Fast.</i> 6.639-48). Its construction is attributed to different members of the imperial family. Dio Cassius states that ‘the precinct called [after Livia] the <i>Livium</i>’ (τὸ τεμένισμα τὸ Λίουιον ὠνομασμένον) was dedicated by Tiberius and Livia (55.8.2), and that an ‘enclosed portico’ (περίστῳον) was dedicated by Augustus in Livia’s name (54.23.6); Ovid notes that it was dedicated to Augustus by Livia (<i>Fast.</i> 6.637-38). Ovid also mentions an <i>aedes Concordiae</i>. On the Severan Marble Plan (Rodríguez Almeida, <i>Forma</i> pls. 7-9) it is called PORTICVS LIVIAE and shown as an enclosed quadriportico within an open courtyard, in which stood a central rectangular feature. As noted by Panella (<i>LTUR</i>), the latter may be identified either as a fountain, or as Ovid’s altar or temple to Concordia. The location of the portico has been fixed by placing the Marble Plan fragments on the modern network of streets; it lay on the steep N slopes of the *Oppian, with steps leading down to the shops of the *Clivus Suburanus. The Marble Plan further indicates that it was surrounded by small streets, shops and houses (Zanker; cf. Berlin Model). Recent studies have shown that its orientation perpendicular to Via in Selci is still preserved in the ground-plan of modern houses; no trace of the central feature shown on the Marble Plan has been found, but traces of a pavement, possibly part of the Porticus Liviae or Vedius Pollio’s house, were discovered (Panella 1987).</p>