<p>An unidentified and extremely old gate in the Servian Wall on the *Aventine (*Muri: Aventinus), known only from textual sources, especially Varro’s catalogue of gates (<i>Ling</i>. 5.163: <i>porta Naevia</i>; further, e.g., Livy 2.11.8-9, for 508 B.C.; Festus 170); its name was taken from the ‘Naevian woods’ which ranged somewhere in that area (Varro, <i>loc</i>. <i>cit</i>.; cf. Paulus, in Festus 171). The general location of the gate is indicated by an eponymous neighborhood, the <i>vicus porta Naevia</i>, listed in <i>Regio XII</i> on the Capitoline base (<i>CIL</i> VI 975=<i>ILS</i> 6073, A.D. 136). With the additional testimony of Varro’s list (<i>loc</i>. <i>cit</i>.), in which the gate comes before the *Porta Rauduscula and the *Porta Lavernalis (both likewise unidentified), the Porta Naevia may be placed on the SE summit of the Aventine at the point where the *Via Ardeatina is, traditionally, supposed to have issued from the city (e.g., Lanciani, <i>FUR</i> pl. 41; Richardson; Coarelli). Our map indicates this hypothetical site, though the specific placement of the Porta Naevia (along with the course of the Via Ardeatina near Rome) remains unresolved.</p>