<p>Steep street on the SW *Palatine slopes (Wiseman). The name is known from Festus’ discussion of the <i>porta Romana</i> (318: <i>infimo clivo Victoriae</i>), which has been convincingly linked to the area of the Temple of *Victoria and the *Scalae Caci (Coarelli; Wiseman; the street may also appear in an inscription recording Sullan road-repairs: <i>CIL</i> VI 37043, col. 2, ll. 6-7). Once affiliated with the SW Palatine, the Clivus Victoriae was identified with the prominent street which descended the hill at the Scalae Caci, before turning at a right angle to run below the platform of the Temple of *Magna Mater as a covered street flanked by <i>tabernae</i> (shops and stalls). After the street reached the edge of the hill, its course is open to debate; it remains unknown whether it descended to the *Velabrum or *Forum Bovarium (Wiseman).</p> <p>A second Clivus Victoriae is attested on the *Caelian. However that street is post-Augustan (Wiseman; Rodríguez Almeida, <i>Forma</i> frag. 42). The remains of the street which ran along the heights of the NW angle of the Palatine, once known as the “Clivus Victoriae” (Wiseman), are of Imperial date (Santangeli Valenzani and Volpe 24).</p>