<p>Open area on the *Esquiline, known only from the late-antique <i>Notitia</i> and <i>Curiosum</i> where it is listed in <i>Regio V</i> between the <i>amphitheatrum Castrense</i> (a post-Augustan structure near the Porta Maggiore) and <i>Subager</i> (a corruption of <i>sub aggerem</i>), a narrow zone outside the *Servian Wall (s.v. *Agger). Coarelli places the Campus Viminalis S of the road leading E from the *Porta Viminalis (s.v. *“Via Tiburtina Vetus”). This was an open space, perhaps a common, later used as an exercise ground by soldiers from the <i>castra Praetoria</i> (Richardson). Parts of the Campus Viminalis were also used for burials. Republican tombs were found in Via Magenta and Via Castro Pretorio, on both sides of the *“Via Collatina”, the road leading S from the Porta Viminalis (Säflund, Bodel). For the nearby Republican extra-mural cemetery zone to the S, see *Campus Esquilinus.</p>